About us
We are here to support the community
We all need support, direction & motivation
Apollo works on behalf of young people and its members, we promote the rights of those young people and members, focusing on social matters such as Education, Sport, Arts and Culture and other leisure-time activities.
We work in partnership with other organisations and statutory bodies, ensuring that our youth programmes work in partnership and makes a telling contribution to the local and national agendas and Youth Matters policy developments.
Providing support since 1972
The Apollo Youth Club is a voluntary organization and a registered charity, set up in 1972 by a group of young black people living, studying and working in Reading. It plays a key role in providing support for young people in Reading and surrounding areas and its activities are open to the whole community.
The Apollo Youth Club is committed to providing projects that cater for the needs of all its users.
We are working with young people to promote self confidence and positive self image.
Improving the quality of life and choices for our Young people
Promote diversity in its pragmatic sense, acknowledging that young people are all individuals with individual needs, but recognising the national frameworks and local priorities
How is the Apollo Youth Club managed?
Apollo has a Board of Directors/Trustees who manages the organisation. Representation on the Board comes from people with key skills to enable the organisation to meet its obligations within the voluntary youth sector. The Board meets at least 11 times per year and in addition an Annual General Meeting is held in July.
Thinking about volunteering?
The Apollo always welcome volunteers! Don’t hesitate to contact us to find out more about how you can help, participate or donate.